March 30, 2022: A new study, conducted by India’s Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture (ICAR) and Aker BioMarine, concluded that krill meal is a beneficial functional ingredient for Whiteleg shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) dietary feed. “The eight-week feeding trial revealed that inclusion of 4 to 6% krill meal in the diet […]
My Name
Dr. Humberto Villarreal has been a member of the World Aquaculture Society since 1989 and was elected to that Board of Directors in 2017, collaborating in the Promotions and Membership Committee and the ad-hoc committee in charge of developing the Strategic Plan for 2020-2025. He has been involved as presenter, […]
The Norwegian company Blue Ocean Technology (BOT) has announced that it has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Fusion Farms, a company at the forefront of Controlled Environment Aquaponics (CEAq) agricultural innovation based in Puerto Rico. One of the shared objectives is to determine collaboration options to develop […]
The National Sea Grant College Program (Sea Grant) from the United States has announced the 2022-2023 funded New Hampshire’s research projects, focusing on development of new species for seaweed aquaculture, safe handling techniques for oyster farms, seafood nutrition equity, PFAS in marine food webs, mapping lumpfish populations and eelgrass in […]
To help lower the price of fish amidst volatile food prices across Phillippines, the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC/AQD) has reported that is coming up with a new fish feed formulation that is cost-efficient and eco-friendly. The formulated diet is cheaper as it only costs about P28 […]
Belgium, China, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Georgia, Indonesia, Kuwait, Namibia, and Poland support the proposal. Earth Ocean Farms’ historical achievement will strengthen the totoaba. The CITES decision opens opportunities to other UMAs to promote conservation aquaculture. Mexico City. March 10, 2022. Today, by majority vote, at the 74th meeting of the […]
The 4th Ocean Forum organized by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), to be held from April 6-8, 2022, will aim to discuss how to move towards a sustainable ocean economy. Among all the topics and aspects to be discussed will be the social sustainability of fisheries […]
An international consortium led by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), from the University of Porto (UP), Portugal, has succeeded in producing the first high-fidelity genome of the mackerel. The discovery has just been revealed in an article published in the scientific journal Gigabyte and was possible […]
The saudi company Red Sea Development, known as TRSDC, will begin test production on its planned aquaculture project by the second quarter of this year 2022. The sustainable tourism developer will try “a number of fish species,” Ventures Director Michael Slage said, but the focus will be to farm native […]
By Antonio Garza de Yta, Ph.D. President, World Aquaculture Society (WAS) We are living extremely difficult times where our ability to adapt is more important than ever. During 2021 we had to postpone most of our events, due to COVID restrictions put in place worldwide. I am confident that our […]