By: Iván Ramírez Morales, Ph. D. Leader of R + D + i in Larvia – @larvia_ai @ivaneduramirez A competitive advantage is that distinctive characteristic which places a company in a higher relative position to compete. The clear example in the shrimp industry is related to the countries near the […]
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It is often necessary to allow control of variables and high treatment replication for research to improve aquaculture production systems, but results can sometimes be difficult to translate to commercial conditions because of the added complexity of commercial environments. A collaborative three-year project ending in 2021 delivered a sustainable and […]
The developments of aquaculture engineering, mechanization and information technology and equipment construction are seriously lagging behind. Some breeding enterprises in underdeveloped areas are restricted by breeding technology and environmental conditions, breeding germplasm is degraded, enterprises lack good varieties, and aquatic products are of low quality. Aquaculture is facing huge challenges, […]
Aquaculture is one of the human activities that has accelerated the most in the last half of the century. However, climate change and other constraints will undoubtedly challenge future growth of marine aquaculture. It is, therefore, critical to anticipate new opportunities and challenges in marine aquaculture production during the Anthropocene. […]
Efficient disease management and mitigation strategies are not possible without understanding the immunological aspects of the cultured animal. During the larval stage, fishes are easily susceptible to a wide range of stressors and diseases; hence improving survival during the earlier stage is crucial and beneficial to aquaculture production. Stress is […]
Despite a robust literature, there is little consensus on a definition of ‘sustainability’, nor on systems and farming practices that are ‘sustainable’. While US aquaculture is practiced in a highly sustainable way, the pressure from continuous population growth requires that resources be used in increasingly efficient ways. Encouraging farms to […]
Due to its physical, natural and social characteristics, Mexico has a real potential to be a leader in aquaculture. Most of the aquaculture production for this species, with more than 200 aquaculture plants in Sonora. This study focuses on the application of LCA + DEA methodology to assess the ecoefficiency […]
Microalgae play a pertinent role in nutrition of larvae and are carrier of indigenous bacteria associated with the microalgae in a microalgae– bacterial interaction. Microalgae plus bacteria combinations such as Isochrysis galbana and Alteromonas sp., Labrezia sp. and Marinobacter sp., resulted in a better total length, survival, and metamorphosis from […]
The causative agent of acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND) is the bacterium, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, which secretes toxins into the gastrointestinal tract of its host. V. parahaemolyticus toxins A and B (PirAvp/PirBvp) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of this disease, and are, therefore, the focuses of studies developing treatments for […]
White shrimp production units are commonly affected by diseases entailing high morbidity and mortality rates, such as BMS. In this framework, this study aimed to estimate the genotype-by-environment interaction for and survival to harvest (SH) in the presence and absence of white spot syndrome (WSS) in two genetic lines of […]