The condition described as monodon slow growth syndrome (MSGS) has been reported from many countries. Though not leading to mortality, retarded growth at the pond level results in significant economic losses. This review focused on several key syndromic conditions that the sector is facing and discuss how new approaches to […]
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Shrimp farming has been widely criticized for excessive use of various resources and especially for coastal wetlands as farm sites. The purpose of this study was to assess the amounts of land, water, energy in fuels, and wild fish for fishmeal and fish oil in feeds required per ton of […]
Fulfilling the potential of aquaculture to contribute positively to food system transformation will require better accounting of the environmental performance of different types of production systems, and interventions that facilitate upscaling of aquatic farming to support sustainable diets. We contend that the existing literature overlooks large ‘‘performance gaps’’ in existing […]
Infection in Nile tilapia Farms with Emphasis on its Effect on Growth Performance. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a G-ve bacterium causing diseases threat the animals, poultry and fish resources. Extracts of plants or their by-products contain some exclusive compounds that can be effective as chemotherapists and vaccines. The yucca has been […]