Norwegian government sets up advisory group to get all aquaculture feed from sustainable sources by 2034

Skretting Norway‘s Director of Sustainability is one of its members

Aquaculture Magazine reports:

Leif Kjetil Skjæveland, Sustainability Director at Skretting Norway, has just been appointed as one of nine people who will provide technical and strategic advice to the Norwegian government’s social mission on sustainable feed. The national social mission aims to ensure that all feed for farmed fish and livestock comes from sustainable sources by 2034.

“It is only natural that we do what we can to develop a new raw material industry that can provide us with more sustainable feed ingredients and contribute to Skretting’s vision: Feed the future,” Skjæveland said after the announcement.

“If we want to achieve our goals, we urgently need to start industrializing our raw materials and make sure that we invest in feed raw materials that have the right to live,’ he added. The nine-person steering group appointed by the government includes three representatives from the feed industry. It is now clear who will provide professional and strategic advice to achieve the objectives of the social mission.”

The Norwegian government has appointed Nils Vagstad of NIBIO as chairman of the steering group. In addition to Skretting, the advisory group includes representatives from BioMar, Sjømat Norge, Norges Bondelag, Felleskjøpet fôrutvikling, Bellona, Framtiden i våre hender and Mattilsynet.

Representatives of the blue and green sectors

Skjæveland strongly agrees that the government has appointed three representatives from the feed industry to be on the nine-person steering group. “Without the feed industry, the 2034 ambition will be unattainable,” he said.

“If we want to reach the targets, we urgently need to start with industrialization on the raw material side, and make sure that we invest in feed raw materials that have a right to life. The fact that the steering group consists of representatives from both the blue and green sectors improves the chances of success,” commented Skretting Norway‘s Sustainability Director.

At present, the proportion of Norwegian-produced raw materials in feed for farmed fish is eight percent. The Norwegian government wants to increase this to 25 per cent by 2034. And in this respect, as the company says, Skretting has taken a clear position in working to reduce the climate and environmental footprint of the aquaculture industries, both in Norway and abroad.

Skretting Italia offers its support to non-profit institution YouSea

Skretting Italia, for its part, has informed that it has decided to support the work of YouSea, a non-profit institution whose mission is to conserve marine biodiversity through concrete projects such as the Piran Marine Oasis.

“We decided to support this project driven by the urgency to act to preserve the sea and its biodiversity. Skretting Italia is strongly committed to sustainability,’ said Umberto Luzzana, Marketing Director of Skretting Italia. Therefore, he adds, ‘it was a natural choice to contribute by providing correct information on aquaculture, too often the subject of fake news, and by translating the Acqua in Bocca!” Communication Kit into Slovenian”.

Irena Fonda, founder of YouSea, explains: “At YouSea we believe that the development of sustainable aquaculture is crucial for the conservation of marine biodiversity”.

“We are convinced that communication and education of the public is crucial in the process of changing our habits, behaviors, food and shopping, which is why we believe that the practical guide ‘Acqua in Bocca! – Everything you still don’t know about aquaculture and farmed fish’, now also in Slovenian, is a step in the right direction”.


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