By: General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. FAO* The historic castles, churches and pastel-coloured port towns lining the shores of the small volcanic island of Procida in the Bay of Naples have earned it the award of the 2022 Italian Capital of Culture. It is the rich and dynamic marine […]
Archivos mensuales: diciembre 2022
In the 1990s, a US market for European sea bass was almost nonexistent. Since the turn of the century, imports have grown from zero to almost 10,000 metric tons. From 2015 when the quantities became more significant, the species entered the large whitefish market, although with a significant price premium […]
• Another research reveals this specie represents the cleanest fishery in the world Scientists from Instituto de Ciências do Mar, Brazil (Labomar) and Aker BioMarine, has concluded that krill meal is an effective functional ingredient for shrimp feed that can mitigate some of the challenges related to the stagnating supply […]
Working with scientists and farmers in Brazil, Thailand and China, the international food animal solutions company FAI Farms (FAI) has launched an online application for fish farmers around the world in an effort to improve welfare and profitability, beginning with tilapia farms, named Tilapia Welfare App. Now, the company is […]
Existing pilot and commercial facilities demonstrate that offshore aquaculture is technically feasible, and that it can improve growing conditions and farmed animal health under some conditions. Moreover, because offshore aquaculture occurs in ecological contexts that differ significantly from nearshore contexts, different kinds of ecological risks may also arise as the […]
Focusing on the role of youth in the development of aquaculture, the Aquafest IPB 2022 Student Conference was held according to the theme, “The Role of Students in Aquaculture Development” Focusing on the role of youth in the development of aquaculture, the Aquafest IPB 2022 Student Conference was held according […]
An interdisciplinary team of scientists from Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), the University of Plymouth and the University of Strathclyde, in the United Kingdom, discovered that coastal megacities could be illuminating the marine environment up to six times more than the moon but is often not considered when reviewing stressors on […]
New technology resulting from a pioneering research and development project led by Irish company Impact-9 could lead to huge growth in seafood production at exposed offshore sites. According to the company, the offshore wind turbines could also be used as salmon farms and generate more than GBP 4.2 billion (about […]
If ever durable products were required, it is probably most visible in the fishing and aquaculture industries. Your underwater cages and mooring systems need shackles, bolts and other mooring accessories that are below surface, but above standard. That is why the Green Pin® aquaculture products are the top choice for […]