Aquaculture Stewardship Council

The consumer research made in 12 countries by Aquaculture Stewardship Council reveals that health is the reason number one to buy seafood


The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) has completed its most comprehensive consumer research to date, interviewing more than 12,000 consumers in 12 different countries about their perception and consumption of seafood. Is like that that they found out ‘number 1’ reason for buying seafood is health. In all 12 markets, health is the primary driver for consumers buying seafood –with Germany and France leading this trend.

The fieldwork for it was conducted between December 2021 and January 2022, via online consumer panels. Approximately 1,000 consumers were surveyed in each country: the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, China, and Japan. It is the most substantial consumer research ASC has conducted since its founding in 2010.

Other important information revealed by the study is that more than 80% of consumers agree that including fish in their daily shopping is important for health reasons. That trend is highest in Spain, with almost full consensus (96%), and lowest in the Netherlands– still with a strong consensus of 80%. 

However, consumers also love seafood for its taste, which was the second mention, and see it as a pivotal part of a well-balanced diet.

Aquaculture Stewardship Council

An industry that has the potential to be sustainable and responsible

The research shows that most consumers –between 75% and 89% depending on market– believe the seafood industry has the potential to be sustainable and responsible, showing the potential of seafood as an environmentally-friendly source of animal protein.

However, this potential is not yet fully realized: more than half do not perceive it to be sustainable right now. Consumers in the countries that have stronger sustainability sensibility –the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France– tend to think the seafood industry is less sustainable and less responsible than consumers in other countries.

Certification schemes central to seafood sustainability improvements

While consumers are not satisfied with the current level of sustainability of the seafood industry, they largely agree that they can play a part in its improvement. Between three and four out of five respondents state that buying responsible seafood has a positive effect on oceans.

The importance of certification schemes to drive forward the sustainability of the seafood industry becomes clear in the research. Consumers’ most trusted sources of information about seafood sustainability and responsibility are independent certification schemes that put their labels on seafood packaging –more than environmental organizations, seafood brands, retail brands or other sources.

Aquaculture Stewardship Council

ASC, the label more recognized

For farmed seafood, ASC is the most recognized certification scheme, with the highest awareness in the Netherlands where two-thirds of respondents recognize the ASC label, followed by Belgium (60%), Germany (58%), France (48%) and the United States (46%). 

Research also shows that trust in the ASC label is generally high –with trust figures ranging from 68% in France to 80% and above in Italy, the UK, the US and Australia. Additionally, the majority associate the ASC logo with sustainability and responsibility.

Sustainability, the third most common requirement

The research also reveals that while sustainability is a top consideration in seafood purchases, consumers may not be buying responsibly as often as they can. 

Freshness and cost are the two highest considerations for consumers when asked, unprompted, what their requirements are when buying seafood. Sustainability is the third most common requirement.

When asked if they prefer wild or farmed seafood, consumers have a preference for wild, especially in Spain and France. However, an almost equivalent number of consumers have no preference between wild or farmed –seen especially in Japan, as well as Germany, the Netherlands and Australia. 

The survey also reveals that more information is needed to alleviate concerns and misconceptions of consumers about farmed seafood.

Latest biennial, multi-market, quantitative study

About the survey, ASC tracks global and regional progressions of seafood shopper awareness, attitudes, trust and activation relating to responsibly farmed seafood and the ASC certification and labelling program. The research completed most recently is the latest of a biennial, multi-market, quantitative study.


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