Aquaculture Magazine welcomes new columnist Ph.D. Stephen G. Newman


Aquaculture Magazine is happy to welcome Dr. Newman on board with his new column: The good, the bad and the ugly discussing Penaeid broodstock multiple pathogen testing in the shrimp industry around the world.

Stephen G. Newman earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Maryland in Conservation and Resource Management (ecology) in 1973.  His Ph.D. is from the University of Miami, where he discovered that a plasmid was responsible for the virulence of Vibrio anguillarum, an important pathogen of salmonids.  The first 12 years of his career were spent developing and marketing some of the first commercial vaccines for fish, initially for Biomed Research Labs and subsequently for Microtek and Micrologix.  He also worked briefly with Argent Chemical Labs registering the first commercial fish anesthetic (Tricaine Methane Sulfonate) and formalin with the US FDA.   

Dr. Newman founded Aquaintech Inc. in 1996 to provide consulting services and select products to the global aquaculture industry.  He has traveled extensively throughout much of the international shrimp farming community, working with clients at all levels of the supply chain.  Currently, his company is heavily focused on microbial technologies and biosecurity issues.    

Over the last 40 years, Dr. Newman has worked with dozens of companies on a wide scope of topics, ranging from the development of bacterial and algal substitutes for fishmeal to performing in-depth technical audits for third party organizations. He has written dozens of articles, some peer-reviewed but most in industry-relevant magazines, and has traveled extensively throughout Central and South America and SE Asia working with and giving seminars to local farmers in an effort to set them on a path to true sustainability.

Aquaculture Magazine is happy to welcome Dr. Newman on board with his new column: The good, the bad and the ugly, that will be included in our upcoming February – March 2020 issue as well as upcoming editions of our magazine.

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