The 26-27th April 2022 will take place the first edition of de A3 Scotland 2022, an inaugural, not-for-profit conference to be held in Edinburgh, with the objective of to promote investment, collaboration and innovation across Animal Health, Agritech and Aquaculture (the three A), in Scotland and around the world. This year’s theme is ‘Transition to Net Zero’.
Industry, investors, scientists and government officials from all over the world will gather in Edinburgh, Scotland’s capital city, seeking strategic partnerships and to discover the latest in R&D.
As a result of the global covid-19 pandemic, the Organizing Committee for A3 Scotland has made the difficult decision to postpone its inaugural event, which was due to take place from 30 September to 1 October 2020.
Given the uncertainty, the Committee took the view that it would be impossible to go ahead with an international gathering, built around face-to-face networking and site tours.
“The A3 Scotland 2022 program is enhanced further with optional pre and post conference tours showcasing some of the world-class research facilities and expertise located in Central and Highlands Scotland.“
“Scotland is a world leader in so many fields of life science, with AAA representing the important three sub sectors of Animal Health, Agritech and Aquaculture continuing at pace to lead the way,” said Ivan McKee, Scottish Government Minister for Trade, Investment and Innovation.
To achieve net zero carbon emissions from UK agriculture by 2040
For the organization, the AAA sector -Animal Health, Agritech and Aquaculture- is of key importance for Scotland “and indeed the country is already a major contributor in the animal science sector globally”, they said.
“The optimization of animal health, promotion of sustainable food security and stimulation of economic growth, both locally and internationally, make a major contribution towards the ambition to achieve net zero carbon emissions from UK agriculture by 2040, underlying the urgent need to work collaboratively to address the challenges of climate change”, they claim.
Program Highlights
Innovation, Investment and Collaboration are the main drivers of A3 Scotland 2022 in the transition to net zero carbon emissions. In that sense, the conference will include sessions on each of these themes, across each of the three sub sectors, and presented by leading industry speakers.
There will also be many opportunities for networking, a grand Gala Dinner and optional pre and post conference tours of world-renowned science and research facilities in Midlothian, to the south of Edinburgh, and in the Scottish Highlands.
A tour to discover the birthplace of Dolly the Sheep
Among others highlights, A3 Scotland 2020 will offer a pre conference tour on 25th April. This is presented as a unique opportunity to go behind the scenes with tours of leading centers of excellence within Midlothian Science Zone, birthplace of Dolly the sheep.
Also, they will visit the University of Edinburgh’s Easter Bush Campus; the Roslin Institute, Roslin Innovation Centre, Agritech Centres (Centre for Innovation Excellence in Livestock) and Agri-EPI Centre; Moredun Research Institute, Pentlands Science Park and Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC).
“One of the conferences of the event is named ‘Scottish Fish farm for Aquaculture’, that wil be an introduction to aquaculture opportunities and growth on the West Coast of Scotland, hosted by Highlands & Islands Enterprise (HIE).“
The tour will include a visit to Scottish Sea Farms and the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS). In addition, there will be a networking opportunity with a range of marine businesses located at Malin House and the European Marine Science Park.
The organization offers a packed 2-day program featuring influential and expert speakers across each of the sectors, with a variety of informative sessions, panel discussions and networking opportunities.
Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre
In this original session will be present Sarah Riddle, Director of Innovation and Engagement of the Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC), that will be speaking on 27th April during the conference ‘Innovation in European Aquaculture’, Hosted by EIT Food North West and she will be joined by guests from Pulcea, AquaPharma Group and Matis, they reported.