TheUnited States Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission Director in Myanmar, Ms. Aler Grubbs, launched the newly developed Shwe Ngar (Golden Fish) mobile phone application (app) for fish farmers in a virtual event. U Nyunt Win, Director, International Relations and Projects Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Irrigation Department of Fisheries, and U Win Kyaing, Secretary-General, Myanmar Fisheries Federation, and representatives of WorldFish also spoke at the event.
Information source: Press release / U.S. Embassy Rangoon, Burma
The Shwe Ngar app will provide fish farming families with timely information on how to stock and feed fish, fish health, and aquaculture technologies, as well as nutrition, water, sanitation, and hygiene practices. The app will also connect fish farmers to suppliers, traders, and others in order to strengthen the aquaculture-based food system in Myanmar. Access the app at this link.
Fish accounts for 60 percent of the animal-sourced food consumed in Myanmar. The amount of wild fish being caught from fresh- and saltwater in Myanmar is declining. Myanmar must develop a sustainable aquaculture industry to meet the growing demand for fish. Sustainable, environmentally responsible aquaculture minimizes potential environmental impacts to wild fisheries and ensures aquaculture practices are socially acceptable and economically sound.
The Shwe Ngar app was developed by the Fish for Livelihoods project, which is implemented by WorldFish and funded by USAID. Fish for Livelihoods is an initiative to increase fish production, labor productivity, food availability, and fish consumption, especially for women and children from vulnerable households in Myanmar. The Shwe Ngar app and the Fish for Livelihoods Project are part of the U.S. Government’s Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative, also known as Feed the Future.