Updates on Global Aquaculture Events 2020


Due to Covid19 there are some changes in the upcoming events four our industry. Check the updates and stay tuned for further rescheduling.

Information source: World Aquaculture Society press release

Aquaculture Canada and WAS North America 2020 St John’s Newfoundland, Canada – Aug 30 – Sept 2

The World Aquaculture Society and the Aquaculture Association of Canada (AAC) and Newfoundland Aquaculture industry Association (NAIA) are excited to co-host this world class, international event, surely to become the largest aquaculture conference and trade show in Canadian history.

Details on the following websites: More info:; for Booths or sponsorship  – Exhibitor list

Latin America & Caribbean Aquaculture 2020 Guayaquil, Ecuador – September 7-10

LACQUA20 será la reunión anual en el 2020 del Capítulo Latinoamericano y del Caribe de la WAS. Después del éxito de los anteriores congresos LACQUA, estamos seguros que LACQUA20 atraerá la atención internacional de la industria de la acuicultura en Ecuador ya que hará en conjunto con el XXI Congreso Ecuatoriano de Acuicultura organisado par ESPOL.

LACQUA20 will take place in Guayaquil, Ecuador from September 7 to 10 and this time our partner is Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral – ESPOL that is organising the XXI Ecuadorian Aquaculture Congress (CEA2020) jointly with LACQUA2020. There will be an extended Industry Forum for all aquaculture professionals.

More info on Time to submit your abstract online. Contact Contact for stands/booths and sponsorship. Exhibitor list.

Aquaculture Europe 2020 Cork, Ireland – September 29 – October 2

The anual meeting organised by the European Aquaculture Society in Cork, Ireland in 2020.

‘You may have seen on our website that Aquaculture Europe 2020 will go ahead as planned in Cork from September 29 to October 2. We are in contact with the Irish Health Authorities concerning any risk to our event caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus and will take action if and when we are advised or required by the Irish Government.

We have amended our AE2020 registration cancellation policy, so that cancellations can be made up to 30 days before the event without charge for you. So please continue to register and take advantage of early bird and membership reduced rates.

The Opening Ceremony will take place from 18.30 on Tuesday September 29 and will also include the AE2020 Plenary Speaker and the Student Spotlight Award. So please plan your arrival in Cork with this in mind.

Abstract submission for oral and E-poster presentations is now online at . Given the current status at many universities and research organisations, we have extended the deadline from May 1st to June 1st to give you more time. “Incomplete” abstracts can also be submitted and amended at a later date. But please submit by the deadline, as your chances of getting an oral presentation after it are very low this year.

We look forward to welcoming you in Cork!’

Gavin Burnell, EAS President 2018-2020.

More information on Contact email – Contact for booths and sponsorship. Expanded floorplan and updated exhibitor list expected soon.

Aquaculture Africa 2020, Alexandria, Egypt – November 28 – December 1

The African Chapter of World Aquaculture Society will hold its first International Conference and Exhibition “Aquaculture Africa 2020” in the Bibliotheca, Alexandria, Egypt during November 28 – December 1, 2020. Time to submit your abstract now…

More information on Just click AFRAQ2020 or contact Contact for booths & sponsorship. Exhibitor list.

World Aquaculture 2020 Singapore – December 14-18 – NEW DATES

The International event organised by the World Aquaculture Society will happen at the SingExpo Max Atria in Singapore in 2020.

New dates and updates on


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