Written by: editorial / Opelika Observer
The Auburn University School of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences will host an Aquaculture/Aquaponics 101 Teacher Workshop. The workshop will be July 8 to 12 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily at the E.W. Shell Fisheries Center in Auburn.
Aquaponics is a combination of aquaculture and hydroponics, the growing of plants without soil. The fish and plants form a symbiotic relationship where the fish provide nutrients for the plants and the plants help clean the water for the fish. Classrooms across the country incorporate aquaponics to engage students and teachers in real world applications of chemistry, biology, math and agriculture science.
Dr. David Cline, an Alabama Extension aquaculture specialist, said that this workshop provides much-needed aquaponics training for agriculture and science teachers.
“The workshop will provide hands-on training and expert advice on how to start and operate an aquaponics system,” Cline said. “Resource materials will be provided to help integrate the knowledge into existing curriculum.”
Topics will include integrating plant and fish culture, the nitrogen cycle, water quality, components of a recirculating aquaculture system among many others. Attendees will have the opportunity to design and build an entire aquaponics system to take back to their schools.
The cost to attend the workshop is $295. Because of the hands-on nature of the workshop, the limit for the number of participants is 30 people. Registration can be completed in two ways; online or by mail. To register online, visit the Alabama Extension store. To register by mail, print out a registration form and mail it, along with a check made payable to Auburn University, to:
David Cline
203 Swingle Hall
Auburn University, AL, 36849
For more information on registration, contact David Cline at 334-844-2874 or clinedj@auburn.edu.