A new agreement with ACI Agribusiness, a leading aggregator of Agri inputs in Bangladesh, will provide timely and affordable access to digital advisory services to small-scale fish farmers and their local service providers. By Cecily Layzell / World Fish Center ACI Agribusiness and WorldFish, as part of the CGIAR Research Program on […]
Archivos mensuales: diciembre 2018
Canadian Fisheries Minister Jonathan Wilkinson has announced a new suite of initiatives aimed at bolstering the success and environmental sustainability of the aquaculture sector. By Allan Lynch / Seafood Source Photo courtesy of DFO The goal is to establish “a more holistic approach” to aquaculture management, according to Wilkinson. He said […]
Victoria Alday-Sanz, director of biosecurity and breeding programmes at Saudi Arabia’s National Aqua Group (NAQUA), talks about the challenges of looking after 80,000 tonnes of fish and shrimp each year. By Bonnie Waycott / The fish site Briefly describe your aquaculture career I first completed a veterinary degree and specialised in horse […]
The Executive Director of the province’s Aquaculture Industry Association says he’s very pleased with a new federal blueprint for the aquaculture industry. By Editorial VOCM News Fisheries Minister Jonathan Wilkinson has announced a single, comprehensive set of regulations to offer clarity on how the industry is run. A study has […]
The Canadian Council of Fisheries and Aquaculture Ministers (CCFAM) has decided to advance the legislative development process for an Aquaculture Act in Canada. By Editorial / the Western Star The province’s aquaculture industry association is lauding the decision of the Canadian Council of Fisheries and Aquaculture Ministers to make the […]
China is seeking to be a leader of the technology development consortium and equipment supply center of the world’s emerging offshore aquaculture industry. By: Rob Fletcher / The fish site This ambition was one of the key elements to emerge from the second International Symposium on Offshore Aquaculture, which took place in […]
Maine needs to replace the jobs that it lost with the decline of traditional uses. By The editorial board / Press Herald Forty years ago, Belfast was probably best known for poultry processing. Rendered chicken fat slicked the water in the harbor, and feathers flying in the wind were jokingly called […]
Title of the article: Integrated utilization of microalgae cultured in aquaculture wastewater: wastewater treatment and production of valuable fatty acids and tocopherols Authors: Marika Tossavainen, Katariina Lahti, Minnamari Edelmann, Reetta Eskola, Anna-Maija Lampi, Vieno Piironen, Pasi Korvonen, Anne Ojala, Martin Romantschuk. Microalgal cultivation in aquaculture wastewater (AWW) from recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) is an approach for combined production of valuable algal biomass and AWW treatment. The growth, […]
By Undercurrent News Photo credit: Aqua.cl As its sale to Chilean agribusiness giant Agrosuper heads to a close, salmon farmer Empresas AquaChile saw its quarterly sales and earnings double in the third quarter of 2018, the company’s latest financial filings reveal. The Puerto Montt-based company finished the three months that ended […]
By Matt Craze AquaGen CEO Odd Magne Rodseth said the reduction in costs for professional breeding tools is making it viable to introduce genetic selection tools to the tilapia industry. The Norwegian company is developing breeding programs at a site in Brazil, and also Southeast Asia, to supply farmers with tilapia […]