European EMFAF call for proposals for smart specialization and regenerative ocean farming


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Aquaculture Magazine reports:

EUR 5.7 million funding for the Sustainable Blue Economy in European Sea Basins

The European Commission (EC) recently launched a new call for proposals funded under the European Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF). With EUR 5.7 million, the call for proposals seeks to fund regional flagships projects supporting sustainable blue economy in the European Union (EU) sea basins for Smart Specialization, as well Regenerative Ocean Farming and Algae Innovation.

European seas and coasts have great potential to foster innovation and technological development. The EU blue economy is poised for growth over the coming years, driven by the transition to a sustainable and circular economy, the ambitious net-zero climate targets and a focus on innovation and research.

This call for proposals covers two topics that aim to support the development of a sustainable blue economy in the EU: the first one is “maritime regional cooperation fostering Smart Specialization and Innovation in the Sustainable Blue Economy”. While the second one is “demonstrating feasibility and environmental benefits of regenerative ocean farming and boosting algae innovation.”

Smart Specialization

The “maritime regional cooperation fostering Smart Specialization and Innovation in the Sustainable Blue Economy” aims to support and animate the Smart Specialization thematic platform for sustainable blue economy. Projects will carry out activities to set up and strengthen strategic interregional partnerships that develop and implement highly innovative solutions addressing priorities in the EU sustainable blue economy.

The targeted blue economy sectors are fisheries, aquaculture, marine renewable energy, blue biotechnology, coastal and maritime tourism. The geographical scope of activities are Black Sea, the Atlantic and the Western Mediterranean Sea basins as well as the EU Outermost regions marine areas.

Environmental benefits

In the other hand, the topic “demonstrating feasibility and environmental benefits of regenerative ocean farming and boosting algae innovation” points out to prove the feasibility and viability of setting up and operating ocean farms across various EU marine regions. Projects should measure and quantify environmental benefits of regenerative farming of either local seaweed species or seaweed in combination with shellfish and spur algae innovation by supporting its development and bringing to market new algae-based products and services.

Here, the geographical scope of activities is Black Sea, Baltic Sea, North Sea, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea basins, as well as the EU Outermost regions marine areas.

All the information to participate

The interested have to know that the applicants can submit their proposals until 18 February 2025. Applicants have to submit their proposal electronically via the Funding & Tenders Portal Electronic Submission System. It is possible to apply for topic 1 and for topic 2.

It is good to know that the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), is organizing an online “Info Day” on 15 October from 14.30 to 16.45 (CEST). Speakers from CINEA and DG MARE will present the call and application process, including tips and tricks on how to write a successful proposal.

EUR 6.108 billion to promote a growth

The EMFAF supports the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and of the Union’s maritime policy along four priorities: fostering sustainable fisheries and the conservation of marine biological resources; contributing to food security in the Union through competitive and sustainable aquaculture and markets; enabling the growth of a sustainable blue economy and fostering prosperous coastal communities; and strengthening international ocean governance and enabling safe, secure, clean and sustainably managed seas and oceans.

For the period 2021-2027, EMFAF has an overall budget of EUR 6,108 billion to promote a growth and job-based recovery in Europe. The budget is divided between shared (e.g. managed by Member States) and direct management (managed by the European Commission, agencies and international organisations).

The majority of the EMFAF actions in direct management delegated to CINEA are targeted at supporting policy development by the European Commission and implemented by way of procurement (purchase of services) and grants (contribution to specific actions).

10 years

In 2024, CINEA has been celebrating the 10 years since the adoption of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) regulation. With this law, for the first time, the European Commission delegated the implementation of part of the fund to a European Executive Agency and new funding possibilities opened for beneficiaries.


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