The Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance (ASSA) was officially launched some days ago in Canberra to advance environmentally responsible farming and production, strategic research and development, and scientific and biotech related commercialization. Formed by ten corporate members across six states, the ASSA has the goal of the fast-tracking methane emission reducing asparagopsis (red seaweed) production to help meet the Australian Government’s important emissions reduction targets.
“ASSA’s mission is to scale up environmentally responsible commercial farming of seaweed to provide food, feed and bioproducts. Development of seaweed cultivation at scale is the single biggest opportunity for rapid industry growth and optimizing social and environmental outcomes,” said Jo Kelly, Chair of ASSA.
He believes, if adequately supported by research and development investment, a growing seaweed industry could make a sizeable contribution to achievement of the National Aquaculture Strategy and support Australia’s post COVID economic recovery.
“Given the right policy settings, Australia is exceptionally well-placed to play a leading role in this economically significant and environmentally sustainable major global scale up,” declared ASSA’s General Manager, Lindsay Hermes.
Supporting investment
According to the ASSA, the Australian Government has committed AUD 8 million to the Developing Australia’s Seaweed Farming Program to support investment in the Australian seaweed industry and scale up the production of seaweed as a livestock feed supplement to reduce methane emissions, including funding to support ASSA.
The Program is being delivered by the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) and ASSA to plan and coordinate research and development, biosecurity and the development of a national hatchery network. FRDC will also provide competitive grants to support other research, development and extension (RD&E) activities to accelerate the growth of the seaweed industry in Australia.
ASSA’s founding partners are CH4 Global, the University of Tasmania, FutureFeed and the Australian Seaweed Institute and other members include AusKelp, CleanEyre Global, Fremantle Seaweed, Harvest Road, Pacific Bio, Tassal and recent global Earthshot Prize 2023 finalist, Sea Forest.
The FRDC has also been integral to ASSA’s formation and continues to provide investment for strategic management and delivery of seaweed industry RD&E priorities supporting the ongoing sustainability of Australia’s aquaculture and aquatic ecosystems.
“A recent World Bank Report found that over the short and medium term, some of the most promising new segments for this sector include bio stimulants, nutritional supplements, bioplastics, fabrics and importantly, methane-reducing livestock additives,” Hermes added.
“ASSA’s team is growing by the day, and we are in Canberra to meet key policymakers and stakeholders and thank them for their ongoing support, which will be critical if we are to continue to capitalize on the enormous potential of this significant new Australian industry.”
An USD 1.0 billion industry
The emerging industry is on target for rapid growth, with ASSA’s Australian Seaweed Industry Blueprint forecasting USD 66 million GVP (Gross Value of Production) and the creation of 1,200 direct jobs in regional and coastal communities in the coming years, laying the foundations for a potential major USD 1.0 billion industry set to create 9,000 jobs by 2040.
ASSA is the peak body for the commercial seaweed industry in Australia made up of 10 corporate members across six states. ASSA’s mission is to scale up environmentally responsible commercial farming of seaweed to provide food, feed and bioproducts ASSA provides a coordinated voice for the seaweed industry and helps grow the industry sustainably.