Cargill Empyreal75

Enhancing Aquatic Animal Health towards One Health

Cargill Empyreal75

The local organizing team welcomes you to the 9th International Symposium on Aquatic Animal Health (ISAAH 9th ). The 2022 meeting theme will: “Enhancing Aquatic Animal Health towards One Health”.

The event is organized by the School of Veterinary Medicine of the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC) and will be held between September 5th and 8th , 2022, at the Extension Center of the Casa Central Campus of the PUC in Santiago, Chile.

The ISAAH is held on a four-year cycle and is also co-organized by the Fish Health Section of the American Fisheries Society. The Symposium is broad in scientific scope, geographic range, and impact to the Aquatic Animal Health Community worldwide. ”

Previous meetings have drawn Aquatic Animal Health Professionals from across the globe, participation from a number of key international professional organizations, including the Asian Fisheries Society – Fish Health Section, European Association of Fish Pathologists, International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine, Japanese Society of Fish Pathology, and the National Shellfisheries Association.

We are pleased to invite you to participate in this important international meeting and to get to know our beautiful city and country.

More information:

Cargill Empyreal75

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