Belgium, China, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Georgia, Indonesia, Kuwait, Namibia, and Poland support the proposal. Earth Ocean Farms’ historical achievement will strengthen the totoaba. The CITES decision opens opportunities to other UMAs to promote conservation aquaculture. Mexico City. March 10, 2022. Today, by majority vote, at the 74th meeting of the […]
Archivos diarios: 03/11/2022
The AquaNederland trade fair to be held in a few days will serve as the framework for the signing of a collaboration agreement between the companies Searious BV and Cirtec, which will enable the sustainable manufacture of exotic leather with the structure of a water snake. The companies based in […]
World-leading genetic scientists from Canada’s Center for Aquaculture Technologies (CAT) have partnered with Baja Mexico-based Earth Ocean Farms (EOF) to unlock the genetic mysteries of the valuable Pacific red snapper (Lutjanus peru) with the goal of increasing productivity and promoting faster growth. The development of this customized breeding program is […]
Officials at Houston, Texas-based U.S. company Reef Industries said they are “proud” of their Permalon, a uniquely designed high-density polyethylene geomembrane that is ideal for the most demanding containment applications, such as irrigation and aquaculture liners and stormwater tank liners. According to studies conducted by Reef, no material offers a […]