Portuguese government supports the aquaculture and fish industry green transition with more than 12 million euros


The Portuguese Directorate General for Natural Resources, Security and Maritime Services (DGRM) announced some days ago the opening of the period for submission of applications for green and digital transition and security in fisheries and aquaculture, under the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP). The initiative has a budget of 12.6 million euros.

In the chain of the fish includes fishing, aquaculture, processing, marketing and fishing ports, they adds. According to DGRM in a statement, the period for submission of applications, which has an allocation of 12.6 million euros and provides for selecting 40 applications, runs until February 15, 2022.

This notice “aims to invest in innovation, modernization of processes, reducing the carbon footprint and circular economy of companies and organizations in the fisheries sector,” reads the statement from DGRM.

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the sea

It is also intended to change behavior in order to obtain results in a more efficient and environmentally sustainable way, helping to ensure the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by the activities of the economy of the sea by 2030.

With this, Portugal aims at the commitments made under the Paris Agreement and the Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality 2050.

As established, the 40 selected applications may enter “financing contracts that will promote the implementation of projects that support innovation, energy transition and the reduction of environmental impact for entities in the fisheries sector, including aquaculture,” reveals the DGRM.

Eligible for support are projects that are framed in the digitization of processes, declarative acts and statutory documentation on board vessels, energy efficiency, emissions reduction and electric and/or hybrid propulsion, hulls with new formats and low friction materials to displacement to reduce energy consumption, safety and habitability on board fishing vessels and circular economy in the fisheries sector and aquaculture.

Applications must be submitted through the ‘Balcão de Candidaturas’ of Instituto de Financiamento da Agricultura e Pescas (IFAP), DGRM reported. This organism explain in their website that the amount allocated to this call, in the non-refundable incentive component, is 12.6 million euros, for a total of 40 applications.

The distribution will be: 15 applications for fishing vessels, with a budget of 4.5 million euros, and 25 applications for the remaining types of industries called to apply, with 8,1 million euros.

The IFAP has explain that is the Component C10 – Sea, integrated in the ‘Climate Transition’ dimension of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), “aims to develop a structural, lasting and impactful response paving the way for the construction of a more competitive, more cohesive and more inclusive economy of the sea, but also more decarbonized and sustainable, with greater ability to seize the opportunities arising from climate and digital transitions.”

The call for tenders C10 C10-i02/2021, Green and digital transition and security in fisheries, under Component C10 – Sea of the RRP aims to conclude financing contracts that will promote the implementation of projects that support innovation, energy transition and reduction of environmental impact for entities in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector.

The IFAP has explained that only applications submitted by certified Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) beneficiaries are eligible, whose mission is related to the exercise of activities linked to the Fisheries and Aquaculture sector. The applications to this call may be submitted using the appropriate form, available at the Instituto’s web until February 15, 2022.

IFAP’s mission is to carry out the validation and payment resulting from the financing of the implementation of measures defined at national and community level, in the field of agriculture, rural development, fisheries and related sectors, as well as to propose policies and strategies for information and communication technologies in the field of agriculture and fisheries.


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