The laminar water flow technology of Andfjord Salmon reduce its production costs


Following a period of successful testing, the Norwegian company Andfjord Salmon has verified the laminar water flow technology at its first pool at Kvalnes, Andøya, they report. This new technology recreates the salmon’s natural habitat on land and allows the company to produce fish at an energy cost at only 1 kWh per kilo. Andfjord Salmon’s aim is to release first smolt during the second quarter 2022.

During the past couple of weeks, Andfjord Salmon has gradually increased the intensity of its flow-through technology tests. The tests have included utilization of the complete water inlet and outlet infrastructure, filling of pool, activation of power adapters, gradual increase of the laminar water flow – from minimum to maximum – and measurements of the water flow, plus analyses of how the pool infrastructure reacts to the laminar water flow.

“In practice, this confirms that we have been able to recreate wild salmon’s natural habitat on land. In the wild, salmon swims in laminar water flows in the ocean, similar to what we now have in our pool at Andøya. Never have I been more certain that we will meet our ambition of building the world’s most sustainable aquaculture facility of its kind,” said Martin Rasmussen, CEO of Andfjord Salmon.

Andfjord Salmon is granted a concession to farm 10,000 MT of salmon from the Norwegian government. The facility is designed to be void of salmon lice and poisonous algae, robust barriers to prevent escapements and releases effluent at Norwegian standards to minimize exposure of marine life to pollutants or other harmful substances.

No need to lift, filter or heat the seawater

The laminar water flow is the heart of Andfjord Salmon’s flow-through technology, they assure. It is this technology that enables the creation of a natural environment in which the salmon can thrive in. It also allows the company to produce fish at an energy cost at only 1 kWh per kilo.

A flow-through system with laminar water flow reduces energy consumption and associated costs significantly as there is no need to lift, filter or heat the seawater. Simply because the seawater is clean and holds a perfect temperature as it is sourced directly from the nearby Andfjord. 

“This is a major technological milestone for Andfjord Salmon and a really nice Christmas present to our shareholders, utilizing our own technology. We were always confident in the technological capabilities, but humble to the fact demonstrating it in practice is what matters. As such, the successful verification of the laminar water flow helps to de-risk our business case substantially,” says Rasmussen.

The testing and fine tuning of the laminar water flow technology, and other pool functions, will continue over the coming months.

Completed the extensive test programme at the company’s first pool

Days before, Andfjord Salmon has report has successfully completed the extensive test programme of standard functions at the company’s first pool. Next step is to initiate testing of the laminar water flow, which is the heart of Andfjord Salmon’s flow-through technology. 

“The test process is providing the answers we wanted. We have recently emptied the pool and made some planned adjustments to the valves that regulate the water level within and outside the pool walls. Now we are preparing for an extensive test programme of the laminar water flow. We are entering a very exciting period for Andfjord Salmon,” says Rasmussen.

Seawater from below the level where lice and algae live

In the last few months, Andfjord Salmon has successfully finalized pool completion activities such as installation of water measurement systems, power switches and final section of the water intake filter. The outer section of the water inlet pipeline has also been successfully installed, meaning that Andfjord Salmon can now source fresh seawater from below the level where lice and algae live.

In recent weeks, the first pool and inlet and outlet pipelines have undergone an extensive functional test programme. Its primary purpose has been testing of pool functions with seawater, plus various equipment and components such as power adapters, sensors and the filtration system for discharge water. The technical test results have been consistent and solid. 

“Testing of the laminar water flow, which is the heart of Andfjord Salmon’s patented flow-through technology, is the next step for the first pool at Kvalnes.

Preparations have already started, and testing will be ongoing for the next couple of months. 

A flow-through system with laminar water flow reduces energy consumption and associated costs significantly as there is no need to lift, filter or heat the seawater. Simply because the seawater is clean and holds a perfect temperature as it is sourced directly from the nearby Andfjorden.


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