Visitas: 404
At its recent Board Meeting Dr. Antonio Garza de Yta, Secretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Government of the State of Tamaulipas, Mexico was appointed the President of Aquaculture without Frontiers (AwF) commencing 1 July 2021.
Information source: AwF / press release
AwF is an international, non-profit organization whose goal is to alleviate poverty and improve the quality of life of small rural producers around the world, through the application of sustainable aquaculture practices.
The AwF was formally proposed and started in Hawaii, in March 2004, and among its members are experts in aquaculture of recognized prestige and experience. Some are members of existing aquaculture associations such as the World Society of Aquaculture (WAS), the Asian Fisheries Society, and the European Aquaculture Society. It recognizes and supports the grounding role that women play in aquaculture and related activities.
In this new assignment, Dr. Garza de Yta will promote social projects to promote sustainable aquaculture around the world, for the direct benefit of thousands of small and medium-sized rural producers, building on the model of Aquaculture Learning Center’s which has been established.
Antonio’s first formal arrangement as President will be at AwF Special Session, “Aquaculture Development, Welfare and Poverty Alleviation” at AQUACULTURE AMERICA 2021 to be held in San Antonio, Texas 11-14 August 2021.
This event, organized by Directors Angela Caporelli and Marty Riche and will feature presentations by previous AwF President, Kevin Fitzsimmons ( Myanmar); Omolola Betiku (Nigeria); Marty (Liberia); Antonio (Mexico); Angela (AwF Role in Development) and culminate with AwF Past, Present, and Future leading into a general discussion with the audience.
Antonio takes over the Presidents role from Roy Palmer, who will stay on the Board to ensure a smooth transition. Sadly, the Board loses the skills and knowledge of Michael Deal, who has left due to a change in personal circumstances but has accepted a role as AwF Ambassador for the USA as is still keen to see AwF flourish and be successful with its mission.
The Board now consists of Antonio (President); Dave Conley (Treasurer); Polly Legendre (Secretary); Angela Caporelli; Gorjan Nikolik; Marty Riche; Roy Palmer and Michael Lee.