Cargill Empyreal75

Aquaculture Canada and WAS North America 2020 rescheduled to 2021

Cargill Empyreal75

The Aquaculture Canada and WAS North America Steering Committee has decided to make a second date change, now rescheduling the conference and exhibition to September 26 – 29, 2021, at the St. John’s Convention Centre, Newfoundland and Labrador.

Information source: WAS Northamerica / Media release

This change is being made to better accommodate registrants who wish to attend AquaNor 2021 in Trondheim, Norway. This date change is considered final at this time. Please note that all originally planned events and sessions for the conference will proceed as planned with the exception of the dates.

This meeting will still also represent the 2021 annual meetings of the AAC and NAIA. Submitted abstracts to date will continue to be processed by the Program Committee and all registrations will continue to be valid. The abstract deadline will be changed to May 4, 2021. Booth bookings will continue to be acknowledged.

Conference management will send you the updated manual and all other information. If you have made accommodation arrangements, it is recommended that you follow up with your hotel directly regarding cancellations. Hotel room bookings will not be rolled over to 2021.

Please continue to follow the conference website for new hotel booking information. Information regarding commercial exhibitor, sponsor, participants and visitors’ registrations can be found at

Cargill Empyreal75

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