Results show partial and complete growth recovery after temperature, feed challenge
Written by: Elisa Prates, Dr. Mariana Holanda and Dr. Wilson Wasielesky Junior / Global Aquaculture Alliance website
One of the potential management measures to improve shrimp production is the application of biofloc technology (BFT), which brings several production advantages compared to the traditional systems in ponds. BFT systems improve water quality, because there is no water renewal to consequently reduce or eliminate effluents.
Additionally, these systems make it possible to increase stocking density, improve biosafety and remove nitrogen compounds through absorption by the microorganism community. This community also acts as a food supplement for the shrimp, providing a constant feed supply 24 hours a day and also enabling a reduction in the protein levels in any manufactured feeds used.
Compensatory growth is defined as a physiological process where the organism goes through a rapid phase of growth after a restricted period of development. It varies according to the species, life stage, environmental conditions, severity and duration of restriction as well as how the organism responds once improved or ideal culture conditions are restored. Compensatory growth has been explored with several aquaculture species (including shrimp) under different conditions, including feed restriction, hypoxia, high densities and temperatures, and exposure to toxic compounds. It can occur at varying degrees, according to the classification from Ali et al. (2003):
1) Full compensation, where organisms that have suffered some deprivation reach the same weight as animals that remained under adequate conditions.
2) Partial compensation, where animals that have undergone restriction present rapid growth rate and may have better feed conversion ratios during the recovery period, but do not reach the same weight of animals kept in adequate, control conditions.
3) Over-compensation, where animals that have experienced the restriction reach a larger weight than the control animals.
4) No compensation, when animals that have suffered some stress do not grow anymore when the optimal conditions are re-established.
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