This manual provides a comprehensive step-by-step guide to running a tilapia hatchery operation. It includes advice on site selection, site preparation, hatchery design and construction, farming practices (broodstock management, spawning, sex reversal, hormonal feed preparation, and feeding), fingerling harvesting and marketing, biosecurity and fish health management, good farm management practices, […]
Archivos diarios: 04/11/2020
Aquaponics can produce fish, along with a range of vegetables and fruits Written by: Angel Tesorero, Staff reporter / While some parts of the world are grappling with food security brought about by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park (SRTIP) has been developing innovative […]
The proliferation of algae isn’t typically a good sign, environmentally speaking. Algae blooms, which are worsening with climate change, strangle other freshwater organisms and marine life. But Sofie Allert and Angela Wuff have a vision of how algae can be used to have a positive environmental impact. Written by: Lauren Stine […]
The New Castle company is innovating animal-free feed for carnivorous fish like salmon (and some plant-based options for people, too). Written by: Holly Quinn / New Castle biotech company White Dog Labs is innovating fish food. More accurately, it’s a player in the growing aquaculture industry that is helping […]
Using robotic technology instead of divers for fish and sea cage surveillance allows monitoring to continue without disruption. Written by: staff / Photography credit: Maarja Kruusmaa A sea cage can hold up to 200,000 farmed salmon, and if the cage sustains damage, the fish could swim out through the […]
Aquaculture is the fastest-growing animal-protein production sector in the world. The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) forecasts that it will provide two-thirds of seafood destined for human consumption by 2030 (see figure below). Written by: World Ocean Initiative Staff It is also one of the most resource-efficient ways of […]
The spread of coronavirus is threatening the industry, which has steadily grown in economic importance since 2010 Information source: Chesapeake Bay Foundation press release The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) released a new economic analysis today that found oyster aquaculture operations in Maryland contribute an average of $9 million per year to the state’s […]