Mexico has been designated to preside over the 11th meeting of the FAO’S Aquaculture Subcommittee, which will be held in the country in 2021
In the latest meeting of the FAO’s aquaculture subcommittee held in Trondheim, Norway Mr. Giovanni Fiore Amaral, representative of Mexico, was elected as president for the next meeting, which will also be held in his country. To occupy the positions of first to fifth vice-presidents, Indonesia, South Africa, Fiji and Belgium were elected, respectively
The Mexican delegation, present at the 10th meeting where the election took place, expressed that: “Mexico recognizes that public policies for fisheries and aquaculture, as well as their continuous improvement, must be based on existing tools such as the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, the Sustainable Development Objectives, and a holistic approach to aquaculture development and the blue revolution, among others. This is applicable to national legislation and international efforts being made by organizations such as the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).”
In the 11th meeting, to be hosted by Mexico in 2021, the organization will include a forum and discussion panels oriented to dialogue and technical advice between FAO’s Subcommittee of Fisheries and FAO’s Subcommittee of Aquaculture.
Written by: Aquaculture Magazine Staff