New Zealand’s leading provider of finfish aquaculture science and technology, NIWA is hosting a two day workshop and one day field trip on Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (23rd and 24th of May).
Written by: NIWA New Zealand
The use of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) is the latest aquaculture development to attract worldwide attention and increasing venture capital investment. With its internationally experienced aquaculture team and kingfish production about to go commercial, NIWA is well placed to offer this exciting learning opportunity.
- Introduction to recirculating systems
- Critical considerations to make before deploying these systems
- Management of recirculating systems
- Waste management issues
- Recirculating system component options
- Economic factors
Keynote presenters:
Dr Tom Losordo – Managing Partner of Losordo & Associates and recent Principal Scientist for Pentair Aquatic Eco-Systems. Dr Losardo has been involved in aquaculture for more than 40 years and has extensive experience in the research, development, design and installation of recirculating systems worldwide. He is a Past President of the World Aquaculture Society and the Aquacultural Engineering Society.
Dennis DeLong – Principal Consultant for Aquatic Technologies International. Mr DeLong has also been involved the industry for some 40 years. He managed aquaculture and aquaponics workshops and training for Pentair Aquatic Eco-Systems from 2011 to 2017 and has 20 years experience in North Carolina designing, building and operating RAS facilities.
Dr Andrew Forsythe – NIWA Chief Scientist for Aquaculture and Biotechnology. Dr Forsythe has a long association with RAS technology including work in Germany and Canada in both marine and freshwater environments. After completing a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, he provided veterinary services to Canada’s west coast salmon farming industry, then led the adoption of RAS throughout Marine Harvest Canada’s freshwater operations. He has been with NIWA since 2005.
Dr Javed Khan – RAS scientist with NIWA. Dr Khan has a Ph.D in fish physiology and bioenergetics, focusing on the effects of a fish’s environment on physiological performance. He has also completed two post-doctoral studies in Denmark looking at the effects of RAS conditions on salmonid welfare and performance.
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