The Directorate of Fisheries organized a two-day inception workshop under International organization, WorldFish at the conference hall of National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), Khanapara on August 27 and 28.
By Sentinelassam
Notably, the WorldFish, also known as the International Centre for Living Aquatic Resource Management (ICLRM) is going to provide technical support to the Directorate of Fisheries in the implementation of the fisheries sub-component of World Bank-financed Assam Agriculture and Rural Transformation Project (APART) in the coming five years.
During the workshop, keeping in line with the project development objective of APART, the team leader of WorldFish, Dr. CV Mohan explained the technical contributions envisaged to accomplish the objectives of APART. He stressed on increasing the availability, access, and consumption of nutrient-rich safe fish especially for women of reproductive age, infants, and young children.
Earlier, Padma Nath Das, Director of Fisheries elaborated the purpose of the inception workshop and emphasized for sensitization of all the project partners about APART.
Dr. KK Tamuli, Dean College of Fisheries, Raha explained the roles and responsibility of all stakeholders.
In his inaugural speech, Vinod Seshan, State Project Director, ARIAS Society expected considerable interactions and suggested to find out how the plan of work can be developed in the form of activities under different interventions as identified in the project document.
He also stressed to develop and promote climate resilient technologies in support of sustainable aquaculture and small-scale fisheries in Assam.
A total of seventy-two stakeholders from different fisheries organizations of the state attended the programme.