Bern Aqua NV obtains an organic certification and brings new products to the aquaculture market


Bern Aqua NV, one of the world’s leaders in fish and shrimp hatchery feed, announces that they have been certified under (EC) 834/2007 and (EC) R889/2008 regulations.

Along with this new certification Bern Aqua NV has started to produce fish and shrimp feed suitable for use in organic aquaculture. The company previously earned the latest Belgian and European legislations and is strictly controlled by the Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (FAVV-AFSCA).

With a particular focus on innovation, Bern Aqua NV achieves a real breakthrough in organic aquaculture
Every year multiple aquaculture businesses around the world decide to convert to organic production. Bern Aqua NV is the first company to introduce on the market an organic feed for shrimp first larval stages – Royal Caviar Nature and MeM Nature. “This new feed will significantly change the way organic shrimp hatcheries operate. Until now, they did not have any similar product allowing them to organically grow post-larval shrimps. “- says Patrick Waty, the CEO of Bern Aqua NV. He is convinced that it is an important step towards a bright future of organic fish and shrimp farms. “We are proud that Bern Aqua NV is actively participating in this transformation“– he adds.

Royal Caviar Nature and MeM Nature are Bern Aqua NV’s exclusive organic feeds for shrimp with a very low leaching rate and nutrient loss. They have an outstanding digestibility and they are neutrally buoyant with an exceptional palatability. Together with the organic shrimp products, the company has launched similar solutions for organic fish producers. Thus, Bern Aqua NV is among the first companies to introduce on the market organic feed for Mediterranean species – Caviar Nature and MeM Prime Nature. This organic fish product line aims to lower live feed dependence already in the FRY stage.


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